1 min read
Can We Time Travel?
Can we build a time machine - for real? Get ready to have your mind blown as we find out with Clifford Johnson, a theoretical physicist...

1 min read
The Swift Quake
It’s not an earthquake - it’s a Swift Quake! Join us this week as we hear from Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, a geophysicist who studied the...

1 min read
Special Road Trip - Life Lab
Going on a summer trip? Check out our Life Lab Road Trip! This special episode has all five parts of our Life Lab special series 🔬 Join...

1 min read
How Do Toilets Work?
When you have to go, where does it go? Prepare for some potty humor as we hear from engineer Francis de los Reyes. In this episode,...

2 min read
The Science of Bubbles
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS Why do bubbles pop, and why do bubbles have shadows? Dr. Bubbles is here to answer all the bubble...

![The Seed Treasure Map [UPDATE!]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/eb21aa_4d0df76651924e8aad5d6599dff688a1~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_279,h_210,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/eb21aa_4d0df76651924e8aad5d6599dff688a1~mv2.webp)
1 min read
The Seed Treasure Map [UPDATE!]
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS How many seeds sprouted in the historic Beal Seed experiment we covered in 2021? Find out in this...

2 min read
The Biggest Space Telescope in the Universe
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS, ESS 2-PS1-2 Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect How do you launch the largest space...

2 min read
The Bird and The Balloon Telescope
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS What happens when a baby falcon meets a balloon telescope in an old Wild West town? An...

2 min read
What's Inside of an Atom?
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS What are protons, neutrons, and electrons made out of? That’s what listener Xander wants to...

3 min read
The Science of Candy Land
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS Happy Halloween! We’re headed to Candy Land, a sugary laboratory where mathematicians found a...