1 min read
How Do Toilets Work?
When you have to go, where does it go? Prepare for some potty humor as we hear from engineer Francis de los Reyes. In this episode,...

1 min read
Gas Busters- Life Lab, Part 5
If there’s too much gas in the atmosphere, who you gonna call? Gas Busters! Find out how a bacteria from a rabbit’s gut could help fight...

1 min read
Fashion's New Spider Sense - Life Lab, Part 4
Shirts made from spider silk? Leather made from fungi? In this episode, we're exploring how synthetic biology is pushing the future of...

1 min read
"Is This a Good Idea?" - Life Lab, Part 3
So far in Life Lab, we’ve uncovered the power of synthetic biology. But with great power comes great responsibility! In this episode,...

1 min read
Moving to Mars? - Life Lab, Part 2
Should we make the move to Mars? And how would we live there? Join us as we pack our bags for Mars with the help of synthetic biology....

1 min read
More Cheese, Please - Life Lab, Part 1
What does cheese have to do with technology? What does engineering have to do with biology? And why should we know about it? We’ll slice...

1 min read
Reinventing the Wheel
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS How would you reinvent something that’s been used for thousands of years, by millions of people?...

1 min read
The Case of the Shrinking Laboratory
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS What if you could shrink your technology down to a size that’s 100,000 times smaller than the...

2 min read
The Barcelona Supercomputer Adventure
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: PS In this episode, we visit a supercomputer! It's called MareNostrum 4, and it's house in a former...

2 min read
The Charge of the Everlasting Battery with Mya Le Thai
This weeks episode is inspired by a question from Daniel Cunha all the way from Brazil. He wants to know "Why are some batteries not...