2 min read
The Wild Axolotl
Why are there so many axolotls living in fishtanks (and in Minecraft), but so few in the wild?

1 min read
Was T-Rex Smart?
Was T-Rex smart? How did smartness begin? 🧠Tune in to hear Suzana Herculano-Hozel, a neuroscientist who will show us the science of...

2 min read
Why Do Cats Purr?
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS 3-LS3-2 Crosscutting Concept: Cause and Effect Why and how do cats purr? That’s what Reid wants...

2 min read
Do Bugs Have Elbows?
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS 4-LS1-1 Crosscutting Concept: Systems and System Models Do bugs have elbows? That’s what Clare...

1 min read
The Science of Butts
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS 4-LS1-1 Crosscutting Concept: Systems and System Models What is a butt? That’s what science...

2 min read
The Great Seal Count
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS How do you count the cutest seals on the planet? With the help from thousands of people around...

2 min read
Where Does Laughter Come From?
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS 4-LS1-2 Crosscutting Concepts: Systems and System Models How do you find out why we laugh? With...

1 min read
Time Machine Animal Safari Road Trip
How did some animals start to walk on land? Why were dinosaurs so huge? What did our primate ancestors look like? Let’s dive into this...

2 min read
What If Fish Had Legs?
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS 3-LS3-1 3-LS3-2 Crosscutting Concepts: Patterns Cause and Effect Fish with legs? Crazy, right?...

2 min read
Whooo Are Owls?
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS 3-LS3-2 Crosscutting Concept: Cause and Effect What are the origins of owls, and why do they...